All in Social Behavior

Give casual dating a try

Although I know where it comes from, I’ve never quite understood the worldwide trend of traditionally monogamous relationships. In my personal view, it’s restrictive and doesn’t really suit the nature of human sexuality. If you’re looking for a cure to the common monogamous commitment but don’t want to reinvent the wheel, why not try casual dating instead.

How labels make for terrible sex

People adore labels: lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, polyamorous.  But I present a question:  What if we could love a person because he or she is kind or intelligent or funny or British? What if we could desire something other than a reproductive organ?  What if we could all just stop worrying about fitting into neat little boxes?

It's Not Misandry, You're A Douche Bag - Let's Talk About Sex #5

Here on LTASEX we talk about sex but we also like to everything that goes along with sex. Of course, sexism fits right in there. It’s got “sex” right in the word! Usually when I’m talking about sexism, I’m complaining about some advertisement or TV show but today is different. Today, I get to shower a little praise and throw a little shade. This is going to be so much fun.

If You Break Up Before Valentine's, You're An A**hole

Back in the beginning of 2011, I showed you a chart that graphed out the most likely times a break up would happen. From that chart, we learned that there are couple times each year when a break up is more likely to happen and they all make sense.

The most common time is the two weeks before Christmas. Then there’s April Fools Day, which is kind of rude but funny at the same time. Then there’s the weeks leading up to spring break and summer break, for obvious reasons. But the fourth most common time for a break up is – drum roll, please – the two weeks before Valentine’s Day.