Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!
All in Video
This video is so fucking doom and gloom... but true. I REALLY wish they would dispel with all the "YOUR GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!" messages in these videos. Please know that the way these people are trying to get you to wrap it up is ridiculous. Even though I would have like more facts and less scare tactics what they are saying is true. Having HIV puts you at higher risk for all sorts of diseases. Also know that you don't die from AIDS. You die from some other disease that your compromised immune system can not fight off. Be aware, know your risks, choose to wrap it up. If you don't wrap it up, keep knowledgable about your status, inform your partners, and try to minimize the risks.
Keep it sexy.
I'm not gonna lie, RiRi knocked this one out of the park. Very fun, very sexy. Enjoy.
I'll be honest, I am not sure what is happening in this video. It starts out like any good casting couch interview. However, over the course of this three minute video I promise you will be aroused and left wondering, WTF? Enjoy.
It is not often that you can find a story like this one. We should all wish to be as wonderful parents as these. Watching this video just made me smile on the inside in a way I haven't in many years.