Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!

So, after a long two weeks of computer issues, moving, starting a new job, and needing a break we are coming back this week on Thursday. It will be a kind of reboot for the site, we're going in a new more focused direction while making sure to keep the sexy alive. I think you'll enjoy it.

Since I know you need something good to hold you over, I have this funny clip from Penn & Teller: Bullshit. Enjoy!

Make sure you back on Thursday so can see where we're going for the next few weeks.

Oh one last thing, we will be interviewing Buck Angel this week and I need your questions! Leave a comment below or send me a email from the right sidebar. Now onto the video!

Are you following all 12 commandments of healthy sexuality?

6 important cuddling tips from John Stamos