46 sexy photos of Broderick Hunter that prove god exists
Broderick Hunter is one face we won’t forget anytime soon. There’s something about a man with a body and face fit for Roman sculpture that leaves an impression. (Psst, check the 46 sexy photos of Broderick Hunter below.)
Broderick Hunter… that face. That body. That skin. Jesus!
I think I need a minute.
I ran across Hunter – like most of my crushes – on Tumblr. I then spent the rest of the night switching between his tag on Tumblr and his actual blog. I’ll be real with you, I might have searched for terms like “Broderick Hunter Shirtless,” “Broderick Hunter Nude” and “How to make Broderick Hunter my husband.”
Look, the internet has everything and if I missed my chance to marry this man, I would never forgive myself. The thirst is real.
Oh, I also found his YouTube channel, which is basically just an ode to his gorgeous mug. I know he was talking and telling me some real ish but was mostly looking at that face.