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74 sexy, shirtless pics of Koji Murofushi

74 sexy, shirtless pics of Koji Murofushi


Japanese hammer thrower Koji Murofushi (室伏 アレクサンダー 広治 Murofushi Arekusandā Kōji) is basically a Jiraiya painting come to life. He’s a 6’2” 218lb statue cast from the finest Olympic gold.

I was able to find a couple pics of Koji Murofushi shirtless. Unfortunately they might be the only ones in existence. I also found just one that featured Koji’s butt, which is a goddamn shame. Check the pic of Koji Murofushi’s butt below.

I won’t even pretend to be a fan of his sporting ability. I have never and probably won’t ever watch this sport but I am in 100 percent support of anything that brings more cuties like him to the world spotlight.

I will admit that I’m sort of surprised and aroused by the incredible body that he’s had to create. I never really thought it would take a lot of athleticism to throw a metal ball. Yet, if the delicious Koji Murofushi and his amazing thighs are any example, we should all be showing this sport a little more respect.


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