Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!

Everything you really need to know about sexually transmitted infections, diseases

Everything you really need to know about sexually transmitted infections, diseases

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Although STIs/STDs are the main focus of most sex education, most people have absolutely no idea about what they’re actually at risk of catching or about what they should worry.  How the hell can you make a smart decision about taking sexual risks if you’re unaware of the risks you’re accepting? So, today, I’ve got a gorgeous way to learn about each of the STIs/STDs you need to know about.

Adults don’t think this isn’t for you. The older you are the longer it’s been since your woefully incomplete sexual education. You too need to brush up to know what the hell you’re doing. 

eLust 50

Erectile dysfunction isn't a big deal

Erectile dysfunction isn't a big deal