Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!

Vanessa Torres

Name: Vanessa Torres

Birth Year, DOB or Age Range: 20-29 years

Gender: female

Pronouns: she, her, they

Race/Ethnic Origin: Latina

Nationality: American

Hometown: Santa Ana, CA

Location (address, city/state, or zip): San Francisco/Tustin

What I do: Blogger, Educator (school teacher, HIV/STD/STI, health, etc.), Researcher

Title: Research Assistant

Focus/Specialty: Latina women, emerging adults, young men of color who have sex with other men

Elevator pitch: I work as a research assistant focusing on the importance of individual stories and agency of "marginalized" populations. Advocate of gender, racial, sexual fluidity

Degrees, Licenses, Certifications: M.A. in Human Sexuality from San Francisco State University

Real life experience: Professionally I have worked for San Francisco State, UC San Francisco, University of San Francisco, Centers for Research and Education on Gender and Sexuality, and the Health Equity Institute

Website: www.VanessaMTorres.com

Email: vmtorres321@gmail.com

Twitter: @SexPositiveVT

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/vanessa-torres/27/516/2a2

Alex Brousset

Alex Brousset
