When I began writing LTASEX, almost 2 years ago, I decided that my long term goal would be to rehab America’s relationship with sexuality. Ever since then, I have done my best to push forward toward that goal.
Recently, I began to feel like the work I had been doing was missing focus and structure. So, I decided go back to the beginning and rework my approach.
In that period of reflection, I figured out one very important thing that I was missing. Once I realized that this piece was missing, it seemed almost absurd that I never noticed. I mean, have you ever heard of a successful push for social change that didn’t begin with a goal?
Sure, I say things like “rehabbing sexuality” and “redefining sexual education” but what the hell does that really mean? What's even more troubling is that, upon further inspection, I realized that I had never even defined what I think “healthy” sexuality is.
It’s time to remedy that.
So, today, I present to you wonderful readers of LTASEX.INFO and Let’s Talk About Sex in the pages of The Eastern Echo a simultaneous declaration. These are the commandments of health sexuality. Not exactly a definition but these are a great starting point to look within yourself and find the areas where you can improve your sexiness quotient.